Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#OneVoice and the spiral of abuse

Once upon a time in the land of Twitter, a feisty crusader for domestic violence rallied tweeps to create a project to act as a counterpoint to the overwhelming popularity of incognito abuse novel, Fifty Shades of Grey. The project would have fifty chapters from as many people, each sharing their own story of abuse at the hands of a loved one.

Project was assembled and made available via Amazon's self-publishing option.

Now here's where things get weird:

For whatever reasons (and there are many; all of them legitimate) various contributors have asked the author to remove their chapters; some wanted out for personal safety reasons, others wanted out because the author's increasingly irrational behavior puts the work in a very negative light; others are concerned about the validity of the foundation associated with project.

Frankly, the whys don't matter. Fact of the matter is, if contributors asked for their chapters to be removed, then unless under contract, the author is obligated to do so.

This has not happened.

Per an Amazon employee who I know, this is what she said to do if you are a contributor who wants your chapter pulled:

At THIS LINK, select "Would you like to report this content as inappropriate?" fill out the form; be specific-- if you are being bullied/harassed online by the author or her followers, let them know. Let them know you didn't sign a waiver or contract to protect your interests. Let them know you've asked the author to remedy the situation and that instead, her followers have hounded you to leave the poor author alone.  Fill them in on all the details. Then submit.

The more reports received for that item, the more urgently it will be addressed.

I want to make clear, that I think support for Domestic Awareness does need to be raised; but it doesn't need to be a bully tactic by someone who cannot take constructive criticism of their work. That's unprofessional. Thanking minions for intimidating others, that's not okay, either. That just makes one Queen of the Bully League.

Here are more links about this situation:


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