So if you're not on Twitter, you probably missed it-- EL James calling people who see their abuse in the 50 Shades trilogy "Witches and Trolls" for pointing it out. Doesn't help that James also blocks anyone who does not have a good word for her writing/subject matter.
People who have seen their abuse in the pages of James' work do not deserve to be called names.
My answer:
Nothing is sacred. I take pot shots at EL James, Twilight, James' tendency to reuse the same words as many times as she can when she writes a run-on sentence, Zombies/Vampires and pretty much anything that comes to mind.
I'm aiming for pumping 1 chapter a day, give or take. Got kids and a gramma to manage. SO there, survivors-- you have a snarkfest to embrace because the Inner Bitch Goddess saves the day.